In this YouTube video, the creator, Rob, demonstrates how to make delicious Hawaiian roll breakfast sliders. The recipe involves layering bacon weave, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and everything bagel seasoning on Hawaiian rolls. Rob starts by cooking the hash browns and bacon separately, then assembles the sliders with cheese and everything bagel seasoning. He finishes by cutting the sliders into individual portions and shares his thoughts on the outcome.

Highlights 🍳🥓🧀

  • Rob prepares Hawaiian roll breakfast sliders with bacon, cheese, hash browns, eggs, and everything bagel seasoning.
  • He cooks the hash browns and bacon separately before assembling the sliders.
  • Rob adds cheese and everything bagel seasoning to the sliders.
  • The final product consists of the bottom part of the roll, bacon, American cheese, everything bagel seasoning, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and the top of the roll.
  • Rob shares his thoughts on the outcome and suggests adding sausage as an optional layer.