Rob demonstrates how to cook baby back ribs on a Char-Griller AKORN Auto-Kamado grill. He shares his preferred cooking method at a temperature of 250-275 degrees Fahrenheit, discussing the 3-2-1 method and adjusting it for higher temperatures. Rob lights the grill, prepares the ribs with brown sugar and honey, and wraps them for a few hours of cooking. He also briefly shows the process of cooking cheeseburgers on the same grill. The final result is delicious-looking baby back ribs and cheeseburgers, and Rob recommends Uncle Steve Shake seasoning.


  • [🔥] Cooking baby back ribs on a Char-Griller AKORN Auto-Kamado grill.
  • [🌡️] Preferred cooking temperature: 250-275°F.
  • [🍔] Demonstrates cooking cheeseburgers on the grill.
  • [👨‍🍳] Uses brown sugar and honey to prepare the ribs.
  • [👍] Recommends Uncle Steve Shake seasoning.
  • [📺] The video includes various cooking steps and tips.